Mundo Lingo – Bangkok Social
Join the community in our Group: Mundo Lingo Bangkok
Who we are?
We’re a huge community from a variety of different countries that meet once a week to chat, meet new people, and practice speaking another language.
We have flag stickers from over 300 countries/regions. The first flag is your native language and goes at the top. The rest follow below in order or ability. It’s open to all nationalities and languages, and you can talk about anything you like. You don’t have to be an advanced speaker, or even speak a second language – it’s for all levels!
* All ages (18+)
* Free entrance
* Every Week.
The Venue
Our host venue Changwon Express at Flow House is a laid-back surf bar serving up delicious craft beers at a great price. We meet just upstairs, overlooking the surfers at the wave pool. Go ahead and come early to practice your surf skills before your language skills! Reception is between 7 and 8 pm. When you arrive just look for the table with the flags and tell us what languages you speak, and we’ll get you started.
The Reception: Flags Given Out 7 – 9pm
It’s advised to arrive during this time, especially if you’re new.